3900 Jermantown Suite #300
Fairfax VA 22030


7:30 AM - 7:30 PM (EDT)
Monday to Saturday

Chronology of Advocacy & Mentoring 1991 – 2010

“Go back the way you came…” I Kings 19:15

“There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.” Victor Hugo

The Question: The fall of the Berlin Wall in October 1989 sparked a question: what role could Christian lawyers have in rebuilding societies and legal systems that had been destroyed by totalitarianism? The seed of an answer began to take root in January 1991 when Sam Ericsson (Executive Director of Christian Legal Society/USA), and Campbell University Law Professor Lynn Buzzard (the prior Executive Director of CLS/USA) visited Moscow. They met a Russian Orthodox lawyer, Natalya Vissotskaya, who had just launched a unique legal, spiritual and material aid ministry for Russian prison inmates and their families called the Faith, Hope & Love Foundation. Sam and Lynn sensed that no doubt there were others like Natalya in Russia and elsewhere who needed to be encouraged, enabled and equipped for “doing justice with compassion.”

The Vision: The idea of encouraging advocates globally began to mature when Sam stepped down from his 10-year tenure with CLS in June 1991 to begin a journey that has become Advocates International (AI). Today AI’s vision is a global network of advocates bearing witness of Jesus Christ through the legal profession. But AI is only one part of a growing global movement of individuals and groups collaborating nationally, regionally and globally on issues of mutual concern.

The Mission: Training and mentoring the legal profession in “doing justice with compassion” are at the core of AI’s mission. AI challenges lawyers to put legs to the final words of Jesus, as recorded in Acts 1:8, by implementing the L-O-R-D Strategy: [L] meeting locally in 700 cities and towns; [O] organizing nationally in 100+ nations; [R] networking regionally; and [D] make disciples globally to promote religious freedom & human rights, the sanctity of human life, the family & community, peace & reconciliation, and the rule of law with integrity.

The Strategy: AI’s bottom-up strategy encourages organizing national lawyer groups. There were only ten prior to 1991: England (1852), Australia (1954), USA (1961), Canada (1975), South Korea (1977), Nigeria (1982), Pakistan (1985), Jamaica (1988) and Trinidad & Tobago (1989). These early groups had focused on fellowship, evangelism and Bible study. Canada and the USA had also been active in the public square. Today there are about 100 organized national groups active in the public square on legal and ethical issues facing the Church and society.

At AI’s 1st Global Convocation in 1998, the national groups began linking together in regional networks. Today the six regional networks are: Advocates Africa, Advocates Asia, Advocates Europe, Advocates Latin America, Advocates North America and Advocates Oceania.

The Results: AI staff, Board and colleagues have facilitated and participated in 150 conferences. In addition, AI and its advocates have been engaged in a wide range of substantive issues. At the end of each activity described below, a code indicates the focus of the activity or conference (e.g. FC, HR, L, N, PR, RF or RL). The 600+ activities include:

1) 230 on religious freedom (RF)

2) 49 on peace & reconciliation (PR)

3) 152 on human rights (HR)

4) 60 on the sanctity of human life (L)

5) 95 on family & community (FC)

6) 170 on the rule of law (RL)

The Next Chapter: In order to provide effective networking vehicles focusing on the substantive challenges, seven Global Resource Teams (GRT) were launched at AI’s 5th Global Convocation held in Washington, DC, in October 2008 with 1,000 in attendance:

1) Religious Freedom GRT

2) Peace & Reconciliation GRT

3) Human Rights GRT

4) Sanctity of Human Life GRT

5) Family & Community GRT

6) Rule of Law with Integrity GRT

7) Prayer GRT

The Unfolding Story: The following chronicles some of the activities within the network.


Central & Eastern Europe:      Communism collapses in Central and Eastern Europe in October, November and December.


King’s College, New York City, NY: On November 7, 1990, CLS/USA Executive Director, Sam Ericsson, and Campbell University Law Professor, Lynn Buzzard, met four members of the Soviet Academy of Sciences to address ideas as to introducing ethics and morality into the curriculum of the Soviet Union’s public schools. Ericsson and Buzzard were invited to Moscow as guests of the Soviet Academy.

Northern Virginia, USA: CLS Executive Director Sam Ericsson developed cross-cultural tool “Striking the Balance Among Competing Interests” to explain church-state dynamics. The tool has been used effectively for two decades.


  1. Moscow, USSR: During their first visit to Moscow in January 1991, Sam Ericsson and Lynn Buzzard met Natalya Vissotskaya, a lawyer who had registered the Faith, Hope & Love Foundation (FHL) that week. FHL is a unique legal aid program for Russian prison inmates and their families. During 1991-2009, FHL has responded to over 20,000 letters from inmates; filed over 3,000 appeals on behalf of inmates; reduced over 3,000 years in prison terms; helped get the 1997 moratorium on the death penalty in Russia; and helped open chapels in many prisons. Advocates International has provided ongoing support in various ways to Natalya and FHL since 1991.
  2. Moscow, USSR: Responded to inquiries by scientists with the Soviet Academy of Sciences and Russian Parliamentarians on how to best introduce moral values, such as the 10 Commandments, into the Soviet school system. (25 participants).
  3. Moscow, USSR: Meetings with Russia’s Chief Justice and other members of the judiciary re the death penalty, the importance of an independent judiciary, human rights and related issues.
  4. Moscow, USSR: Ericsson consulted with administrators of Russian prisons concerning prison chapels. Facilitated opening a chapel in the largest prison in Moscow.
  5. Moscow, USSR: Ericsson consulted with Russian Orthodox Church leaders concerning prison ministries and religious liberty issues in Russia.
  6. Moscow, USSR: Ericsson, Buzzard and delegation met with President of the Russian Association of Advocates and receivedhonorary memberships in the Russian Association of Advocates.
  7. Sofia, Bulgaria: Ericsson and colleague Roger Sherrard met with the President of the Bulgarian Bar Association. Both receivedhonorary memberships in the Bulgarian Association of Advocates.
  8. USA: Ericsson serves as Chairman of Board and Ann Buwalda as Director of Jubilee Campaign, USA, a voice for the persecuted.
  9. Washington, DC: Ericsson hosted nine Russians, including four Parliamentarians, for 10-day visit. Provided textbook materials written in Russian on teaching Judeo-Christian values in the public schools (9 Russians).
  10. Sofia, Bulgaria: Ericsson and Sherrard met with Bulgaria’s President and Prime Minister, the President of the Sofia Bar Association, lawyers, judges, as well as 20 law students and Professor Slavi Pachovski (soon to be UN Ambassador) at Sofia University Law School to discuss separation of powers, freedom and the importance of an independent judiciary (50+ Bulgarians). In 2000 Ambassador Pachovski became AI’s Liaison to UN.
  11. Moscow: The USSR dissolved on December 31, 1991 spawning the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) composed of 15 independent former Soviet republics.
  12. Riga, Latvia: Sam Ericsson participated in Prison Fellowship International Conference on Prison Ministries in the former Soviet Union Republics.


  1. National Christian Lawyer Group Launched in: Ghana
  2. Indonesia: Consultation with Indonesian evangelical pastors concerning persecution of Christians in Indonesia.
  3. Sofia, Bulgaria: AI Board members Roger Sherrard and Sam Ericsson served as OSCE election observers at first Bulgarian Presidential elections.
  4. Sofia, Bulgaria: AI Board members Roger Sherrard and Sam Ericsson intervened on behalf of the First Evangelical Congregational Church whose properties had been confiscated by the Communist authorities nine years earlier.  The properties were eventually returned.
  5. Moscow, Russia: Several meetings with government officials, Parliamentarians and church leaders from the Russian Orthodox Church and the Protestant communities on religious freedom issues flowing from the collapse of the USSR (50 Russians.)
  6. Moscow, Russia: Facilitated housing for Prison Fellowship International’s Moscow field representative from the USA.
  7. Sofia, Bulgaria: Advocates Ericsson and Sherrard met with Bulgaria’s Minister of Justice to address anti-US misinformation and new regulations that barred all adoptions by USA families. After meetings, the moratorium was lifted. Hundreds of orphans were subsequently adopted by American families.  
  8. Sofia, Bulgaria: Business ethics symposium organized by Sam Ericsson and Roger Sherrard –”Ethics: the Forgotten Factor in Law, Business, & Life” (60 attendees)
  9. Sofia, Bulgaria: Several meetings by Ericsson and Sherrard with Director of Religious Affairs concerning registrations of churches and ministries. Provided law and religion resource materials to the Director.
  10. Moscow, Russia: AI President Sam Ericsson served as counsel for Co-Mission, a network of 80 Western evangelical ministries responding to the collapse of the USSR.
  11. Moscow, Russia: Provided law and religion resources to members of Russian Duma.
  12. Moscow, Russia: Ericsson consulted with Red Army Colonel regarding establishing a Christian Legal Center and the Institute for Religion and Law.
  13. Tirana, Albania: Meetings by AI Board members Roger Sherrard and Sam Ericsson with the Chief Justice, President, Speaker of Parliament, Parliamentarians and church leaders as to responding to the open doors after the fall of communism.
  14. Tirana, Albania: Consultations with government officials and Parliamentarians re proposed Law on Religion.
  15. Tirana, Albania: Consultation by Ericsson & Sherrard with Counsel to Albanian Parliament addressing future political involvement by former Communist Party members.
  16. Tirana, Albania: AI successfully intervened with Albanian President Berisha on behalf of a US-based church that had a 10-year contract to operate an orphanage for 200 orphans that had been threatened with closure.  
  17. Tirana, Albania: Provided office equipment for Albania’s Court of Causation.
  18. Togo, Africa: At the request of Togo leader, Ericsson provided language for Religion Provisions to Togo’s Constitution.
  19. Uganda, Africa: Meetings between Ericsson and Ugandan Anglican Bishop visiting the USA concerning Religion Clauses in Uganda’s Constitution.
  20. Virginia, USA: Advocates International incorporates in Virginia. AI’s first “networking” Board of Directors of 12 members included John Langlois, Deputy in Isle of Guernsey’s Parliament and Chairman of the World Evangelical Fellowship’s Religious Freedom Commission (1991-2009) and Ron Nikkel, President of Prison Fellowship International.
  21. Virginia, USA: Ericsson honored as Fellow of the International Academy for the Defense of Religion and Belief.
  22. Washington, DC: Ericsson serves as Commentator on Voice of America for issues in the Balkans and Eastern Europe.
  23. Virginia, USA: Ericsson appointed Senior Counsel to the Evangelical Fellowship of Mission Agencies.
  24. Saudi Arabia: Joined with others in successful appeals to the Saudi government re two Filipinos sentenced to decapitation for holding Bible studies in their homes.
  25. Washington, DC & Cuba: Consultation on rights of religious minorities in Cuba.
  26. Washington, DC: Meetings with Russian Parliamentarians and diplomats at Russia’s Embassy concerning the issue of Russia’s approach to religious worker visas.
  27. Moscow, Russia: Facilitated shipment of plane-load of blankets, clothing, shoes and medical supplies to Russian orphanages working with Faith, Hope and Love Foundation.


  1. National Christian Lawyer Group Launched In: Uganda
  2. Istanbul, Turkey: AI President Sam Ericsson met with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew II re religious freedom challengesfacing the Eastern Orthodox Church.
  3. Ankara, Turkey: AI President Sam Ericsson met with Turkey’s Director of Religious Affairs and Ministry of Foreign Affairs repermission to re-open Orthodox Seminary.
  4. Lahore, Pakistan:  Consultation with Pakistani ambassadors and officials re Christian Pakistani, Gul Masih, who had beensentenced to death for “blasphemy”. Meetings with Pakistan’s Chief Justice by AI President Sam Ericsson and AI Board members Ann Buwalda and John Littlejohn concerning “blasphemy” cases were productive.
  5. Kathmandu, Nepal: In meeting with Nepal’s Prime Minister, AI President Sam Ericsson facilitated the registration of Nepal’s Evangelical Alliance and the Golden Rule Society that enabled: a) 110 USA medical professionals to visit Nepal to help 8,000 Bhutanese refugees which thereby b)enabled leading Nepalese pastor to share the Christmas story and the Gospel on national TV.  
  6. Geneva UN Human Rights Commission: AI President Sam Ericsson addressed the UNHRC on persecution of Christians in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Sudan (70 nations at session.)
  7. Paris, France: Ericsson participated in UNESCO meeting regarding rights of religious minorities.
  8. Hanoi, Vietnam: Consultation with Vietnam’s Ambassador to Geneva re plight of Christians in Vietnam.
  9. Tirana, Albania: AI Board members Roger Sherrard and John Johnson worked with the Chief Justice of Albania’s Court of Causation to co-sponsor the 1st Albanian Judicial Conference – “Equal Justice Under Law” (140 judges)
  10. Sofia, Bulgaria: AI President Sam Ericsson invited by both sides in Orthodox Church schism to serve as “mediator” over controversy caused by the 1973 Communist Party appointment of Patriarch Maxim. AI’s involvement in this dispute continued for 16 years.
  11. Tbilisi, Georgia: Law Professor Lynn Buzzard invited to provide input on religion clauses to the new Georgia Constitution after the fall of communism.
  12. Moscow, Russia: Ericsson provided language for proposed Russian law on military chaplains.
  13. Moscow, Russia: Ericsson provided input on Law on Religion with Russian Embassy staff and MPs of the Russian Duma.
  14. Washington, DC: AI co-hosted visit by Albania’s Vice President to the United States.
  15. Riga, Latvia: AI President Sam Ericsson intervened successfully on behalf of a Baptist Church in dispute with Office of Religious Affairs over building permit.
  16. Global: Ericsson appointed General Counsel for Religious Liberty Commission of the World Evangelical Fellowship.
  17. Athens, Greece: Ericsson met with Greek Ambassador to the USA and several officials in Athens concerning rights of Eastern Orthodox believers in Turkey and religious minorities in Greece.


  1. National Christian Lawyer Groups Launched In: South Africa, Kenya & Russia.
  2. Washington, DC: Ericsson and Ann Buwalda of Jubilee Campaign worked in opposition to proposed changes to criteria for US Religious Workers Visa.
  3. Sofia, Bulgaria: Advocate Latcho Popov saved Logos Bible Academy’s properties, appraised at $1 million, from confiscation by the State and avoided liquidation by transferring the properties to a new entity that met the new State registration criteria.
  4. Sofia, Bulgaria: Provided medicines and medical supplies for Orthodox Church-run clinics.
  5. Tirana, Albania: AI Board members Roger Sherrard and John Johnson worked with Albania’s Chief Justice and the Court of Causation co-sponsored the 2nd Albanian Judicial Conference – “Role of Judges, Prosecutors, & Defense Counsel.” “Converted” USA choir robes into Albanian judicial robes for 180 judges (180 judges).
  6. Isle of Guernsey:  AI Board member John Langlois, the Chairman of World Evangelical Fellowship Religious Liberty Commission, hosted Consultation on “Rights of Evangelicals & Other Religious Minorities” (30 attendees).
  7. Washington, DC & Haiti: AI’s successful intervention with US government to resume medical missionary relief-supply flights to Haiti during UN blockade (300 American missionary families.)
  8. Washington, DC:  Hosted 1st Albanian Judicial Training Symposium (12 justices) 
  9. Washington, DC & Burma: Joined Ann Buwalda of Jubilee Campaign-USA in Congressional hearings on the persecution of the Karen people of Burma, Burma’s largest Christian group.
  10. Moscow, Russia:  AI President Sam Ericsson addressed conference on “Rights of Religious Minorities in the CIS” (140 attendees).
  11. Moscow, Russia: Ericsson provided conceptual approach and language on proposed Russian Law on Pornography.
  12. Bucharest, Romania: AI intervened with letter to Romanian Ambassador to the USA on behalf of Christian radio stations threatened with loss of licenses.
  13. Kiev, Ukraine: at last minute, AI facilitated issuance of US visas to Ukrainian choir for tour of USA.
  14. GenevaUN Human Rights Commission:  AI President Sam Ericsson gave presentation to UNHRC on behalf of persecuted believers (70 nations present).
  15. Phnom Penh, Cambodia: Helped fund construction of Prayer Chapel in Capitol of Cambodia.
  16. Provo, Utah: Ericsson participated in Conference on Religious Liberty Developments in Eastern Europe and the CIS. AI enabled three leading Russian lawyers to attend (100 conferees.)
  17. Tel Aviv, Israel: Consultation on the rights of the Samaritan Community.
  18. Washington, DC: Ericsson participated in Center for Democracy Conference for Justice Justices from 35 European and CIS nations.
  19. Washington, DC: Facilitated furnishing Albanian Embassy.
  20. Paris, France: Consultation on the rights of religious minorities in France.


  1. National Christian Lawyer Groups Launched in: Bulgaria & Singapore.
  2. Tirana, Albania: AI Board members Roger Sherrard and John Johnson worked with the Chief Justice of Albania’s Court of Causation to co-sponsor the 3rd Albanian Judicial Conference “The Importance of an Independent Judiciary” (150 judges)
  3. Yerevan, Armenia: Co-sponsored 1st Armenian Judicial Conference “Equal Justice Under Law” (180 Armenian judges; American participants included US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and two members of the California Supreme Court of Armenian descent).
  4. Bucharest, Romania: Successful intervention on behalf of permission by medical relief ship to dock in Romanian port.
  5. Tel Aviv, Israel: AI President Sam Ericsson served as counsel in issue facing the 574 member Samaritan community in Israel.
  6. Washington, DC:  AI presents testimony on religious freedom issues in the Balkans to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. 
  7. Sofia, Bulgaria: Rule of Law Institute (RLI) launched by Latcho Popov serving as the first Chairman and AI President Sam Ericsson serving as Vice-chairman. AI leases office space for RLI (RLI had 10 members in 1995 and over 200 by 2009.)
  8. Sofia, Bulgaria: AI has provided office space for RLI since 1995.
  9. Sofia, Bulgaria: RLI intervened to help re-register the evangelical Logos Bible Academy that had been threatened with closure by the government.
  10. 1995 Sofia, Bulgaria: Advocate Latcho Popov registered the Bulgarian Evangelical Alliance.
  11. Tirana, Albania:  AI Board member John Johnson moved to Tirana for one year to work with the judiciary. Helps launch the Supreme Court Case reporting publication.
  12. Moscow, Russia: Ericsson invited to be member of US-Russia Business Council.


  1. Warsaw, Portugal: Ericsson participates in the first conference on religious freedom organized by the Organization doe the Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
  2. Prague, Czech Republic: AI Board member John Langlois, Chairman of World Evangelical Fellowship Religious Liberty Commission, led Consultation on the “Persecution of Religious Minorities Globally” (50 attendees). Ericsson was a contributor.
  3. Salzburg, Austria: Ericsson served as mediator in dispute between US and UK-based mission agencies regarding property disputes in Austria.
  4. Tirana, Albania: Ericsson & AI Board member John Johnson participated 1st Albanian Religious Freedom Conference “Religious Tolerance & the Rights of Minorities” co-hosted by AI & the Helsinki Commission (100 attendees).
  5. Sofia, Bulgaria: Ericsson & Latcho Popov participated in 1st Bulgarian Religious Freedom Conference “Religious Tolerance & the Rights of Minorities” co-hosted by AI & the Helsinki Commission (120 attendees).
  6. Moscow, Russia: AI President Sam Ericsson and Brent McBurney (now AI’s President) served as OSCE election observers at first Presidential election in Russia.
  7. Moscow, Russia: AI provided copies Roberts Rules of Order in Russian to Church leaders and MPs in Russia’s Duma.
  8. Madrid, Spain: Consultation with US-based mission agencies and Spanish diplomats on the rights of evangelicals in Spain.
  9. Copenhagen, Denmark: Consultation with US-based mission agencies and Danish diplomats on changes to Danish visa criteria for US missionaries.
  10. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: AI Board member John Johnson led 1st Mongolian Judicial Conference on “The Importance of a Judicial Canon of Ethics” (30 judges and justices)
  11. China: AI Board member John Johnson led symposium on “Judicial Administration & Judicial Ethics” (25 judges and law professors).
  12. Northern Virginia: AI arranges for two Albanian justices, who were legally blind, to come to the USA for eye surgery. The justices returned to the Supreme Court with 20/20 vision.
  13. Lisbon, Portugal: Ericsson was keynote speaker at conference sponsored by the Evangelical Alliance of Portugal on the “integration of Faith & Profession” (80 conferees).



  1. Washington, DC & China: AI President Sam Ericsson served as “tour guide” for General Director Ye of China’s Religious Affairs Bureau and seven colleagues. Conversations focused on how to put the Golden Rule in practice in China (8 Chinese).
  2. Beijing, China: In meetings between AI’s President Sam Ericsson and Board Chairman, John Langlois with Director General Ye of China’s Religious Affairs Bureau the RAB offered to issue a clarification that registration is not required for home Bible studies and prayer groups.
  3. Beijing, China: AI General Counsel John Johnson presents Rule of Law Conference at Chinese law school (35 conferees.)
  4. Washington, DC & Bogota, Colombia: Ericsson asked to intervene on behalf of three US missionaries who were kidnapped in Colombia.
  5. Washington, DC & Ghana: Consultation with Ghanaian Supreme Court Justice on the role of the Christian lawyer in Ghana.
  6. Washington, DC & Colombo, Sri Lanka: Consultation with Sri Lankan diplomats concerning persecution of Christians in Sri Lanka.
  7. Pretoria, South Africa: Facilitated visit by Paul Linton, senior counsel with Americans United for Life, to visit South Africa to assist in major briefs on leading abortion cases. 
  8. Johannesburg, South Africa: AI General Counsel, John Johnson, visits South Africa.
  9. Washington, DC & Nigeria: Consultation with diplomats at Nigerian Embassy on the persecution of Christians in Nigeria.
  10. Brussels, Belgium: Ericsson and Board member, John Langlois, attend consultation on Future Challenges by Islam in Europe.
  11. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia:  2nd Mongolian Judicial Conference “Human Rights & Criminal Procedure” (60 judges and justices)
  12. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: 1st Symposium on “Religious Tolerance & Rights of Minorities” (30 scholars, research workers, lawyers and reps from religious communities).
  13. Seoul, Korea: AI President Sam Ericsson addresses 300 newly admitted lawyers on theme: The Call to Law.
  14. Washington, DC:  hosted 1st Mongolian Judicial Training Symposium: “Human Rights and the Courts” (10 Mongolian justices and MP’s)
  15. Washington, DC: Provided corrections and clarifications in US State Department Report on Human Rights.
  16. Washington, DC & China: Participated in effort to encourage US to keep China off the Most Favored Nation list in order to leverage religious freedom issues.
  17. Washington, DC & Macedonia: Consultation with diplomats concerning the rights of religious minorities in Macedonia.
  18. Washington, DC: Ericsson served on initial Executive Committee of the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.
  19. Moscow, Russia: Advocates take the initiative to get a moratorium on all death penalties that is still in effect in 2009.
  20. Moscow, Russia: Provided books and other resources to the Institute for Law & Religion, Christian Legal Center and the Esther Information Center.
  21. Moscow, Russia: Ericsson consults with US mission executives re new Law on Religion.
  22. Sofia, Bulgaria: Rule of Law Institute Chairman, Latcho Popov, worked with government officials and legislators in revising the visa requirements and processing for foreign missionaries benefitting hundreds of missionaries in the years ahead.
  23. Sofia, Bulgaria: Ericsson and colleagues invited to serve as OSCE observers at the Bulgarian Parliamentary elections.
  24. Sofia, Bulgaria: Ericsson invited to membership in US-Bulgaria Trade Council.
  25. Tirana, Albania: AI provided to Albania’s Supreme Court a 200-volume US Law Reference set.
  26. Cairo, Egypt: AI prepared crucial notarized documentation needed in litigation between a large evangelical church in Cairo and the government on dispute over large church-owned properties. 
  27. United Nations: After three-year effort, secured UN Consultative Status for World Evangelical Fellowship.
  28. Stockholm, Sweden: Ericsson consults with Swedish lawyers, diplomats, judges and Members of Parliament re human rights and religious freedom globally.
  29. Oslo, Norway: Ericsson consults with lawyers and Members of Parliament re human rights and religious freedom globally.
  30. Washington, DC: Ericsson makes presentation to US State Department Advisory Committee on Religious Freedom Abroad.
  31. Sofia, Bulgaria: AI funds translation and printing of a series of CLS Bible Studies for lawyers.
  32. Moscow, Russia: Advocate Natalya Vissotskaya and two colleagues succeed in moratorium on capital punishment in Russia.


  1. National Christian Lawyer Groups Launched in: Mongolia, Pakistan, European Center for Law & Justice, Guatemala & Zambia.
  2. United Nations: Ericsson invited to serve on the Executive Committee celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  3. Tirana, Albania: AI Board member Sherrard and the Chief Justice of Albania’s Supreme Court co-sponsored the 4th Albanian Judicial Conference (180 judges.
  4. Sofia, Bulgaria: Symposium on “Ethics: the Forgotten Factor in Law & Life” (30 attendees)
  5. Tirana, Albania: Several meetings by AI President Sam Ericsson with government officials and the Office of Religious Affairs concerning proposed changes to the procedures to be imposed on minority religions.
  6. Beijing, China: Symposium on “An Ethic for Success in Life, Law, & Business” (15 attendees)
  7. Beijing, China: AI President Sam Ericsson requested to prepare memo for USA government delegation to China on religious freedom issues.
  8. Seattle, Minneapolis, and Washington, DC: 2nd Albanian Judicial Training Symposium (10 justices).
  9. Prague, Czech Republic: Presentation to the Supreme Court & Constitutional Court – “A Renewed Ethic for the Transformation of Europe” (25 justices)
  10. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: 2nd Mongolian Judicial Conference (65 judges)
  11. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: Advocates’ intervention leads to the release of hundreds of Jesus film videos confiscated by customs officials.
  12. Nuht, Mongolia:  Rule of Law Institute hosts Symposium on The Distinctive of Various Religions (25 scholars and reps from religious communities.)
  13. Seoul, Korea: Ericsson addressed South Korea’s Center for Justice and Human Rights and is awarded with Certificate of Achievement in Human Rights Advocacy (50 conferees.)
  14. Tirana, Albania: 5th Albanian Judicial Conference (220 judges)
  15. Tirana, Albania: AI Board members Sherrard and Ericsson facilitated the delivery of Cardiac Units for Tirana hospitalsappraised at $1.5 million.
  16. Washington, DC: Symposium on “Ethics: the Forgotten Factor in Law & Life” (120 attendees).
  17. Washington, DC & Tirana, Albania: AI co-hosted a National Prayer Breakfast delegation that included the President of Albania.
  18. Washington, DC & Tbilisi, Georgia: Provided proposal for religious freedom provisions in Georgian Constitution. 
  19. Washington, DC: AI provided input on Freedom from Religious Persecution Act.
  20. Washington, DC: AI provided input on the International Religious Freedom Act.
  21. Washington, DC: AI provided input to Helsinki Commission regarding religious liberty issues in Europe and Asia.
  22. Washington, DC & Tirana, Albania: Facilitated visit of 14-member Albanian Student delegation, winners of the first “Mock Trial Competition” in Albania.
  23. Lusaka, Zambia: co-hosted with Peacemaker Ministries – “Reconciliation and the Freedom to Forgive” (70 attendees)
  24. Asmara, Eritrea: Successful intervention on behalf of US mission agency threatened with confiscation by Eritrean authorities of several orphanages and nine schools operated in Eritrea for 50+ years.
  25. Chicago, Illinois: 1st Global Convocation – “Finding Common Ground” – co-hosted with Christian Legal Society USA (45 delegates — 26 nations plus 275 CLS participants)


  1. National Christian Lawyer Groups Launched in: Romania, Spain, Finland & Ethiopia.
  2. Johannesburg, South Africa:  1st Advocates Africa Regional Conference & Peacemaker Seminar  (140 attendees)
  3. Washington, DC: 2nd Mongolian Judicial Training Symposium (10 justices)
  4. Tirana, Albania: AI Board member Sherrard working with the Chief Justice co-sponsored the 6th Albanian Judicial Conference (220 judges)
  5. Tirana, Albania: Albania’s Constitutional Drafting Commission invited Sherrard and Ericsson to provide input on the proposed Constitution during 1997 to 1999 as to the provisions impacting human rights, religious freedom and an independent judiciary.
  6. Bucharest, Romania: Buzzard, Sherrard and Popov spoke at the 1st Romanian Christian Lawyer Conference: “Ethics: the Forgotten Factor in Law & Life” (100 attendees)
  7. Tel Aviv, Israel: Advocates Marvin Kramer represents Christian couple in marriage case before Israel’s Supreme Court.
  8. Yerevan, Armenia: Buzzard, Popov and Vassilios Tsirbis of Greece were among the main speakers at conference on ethics and human rights.
  9. Sofia, Bulgaria: Buzzard, Sherrard and Popov spoke at the 1st Bulgarian Christian Lawyer Conference co-hosted with Rule of Law Institute (RLI): “Finding Common Ground: Living with Our Deepest Differences” (120 attendees).
  10. Sofia, Bulgaria: RLI spent more than three years assisting Campus Crusade’s Agape Fellowship’s official ministry registration in order to show the Jesus film throughout Bulgaria.
  11. Sofia, Bulgaria: Rule of Law Institute translated and published 1,000 copies of 100-page booklet, Lawgiver, published by Christian Legal Society/USA.
  12. San Antonio, Texas:  2nd Global Convocation co-hosted with Christian Legal Society/USA (110 delegates — 46 nations plus 300 CLS participants).
  13. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: Rule of Law Institute of Mongolia prevented closure of the Union Bible Training Center and cancellation of a crushing $39,000 fine. 
  14. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: AI Board members Ericsson & Johnson helped organize the 3rd Mongolian Judicial Conference (65 judges).
  15. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: Rule of Law Institute co-sponsored with Ministry of Justice a legal seminar on employment and taxation (25 law professionals.)
  16. Beijing, China: AI provided Beijing’s premier law school, Tsinghua University Law School, 150 volumes of the American Law Nutshell series. 
  17. Northern Virginia: In August 1999, AI Founder & President Sam Ericsson discovered that he had massive bladder cancerand that conventional medical treatment – chemo, radiation, drugs and surgery – offered little hope. With significant help from his wife, Bobby, they began a journey of fighting the cancer through a lifestyle and diet change. They shifted from the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) of meat and dairy products, to a plant-based diet, coupled with exercise, rest and reduction of stress. Due to the demands of the Hallelujah Diet (see www.hacres.com), Sam reduced his personal travels dramatically. The lifestyle = Sam’s part, coupled with the prayers of thousands = God’s part, has kept Sam active for the next decade.   


  1. National Christian Lawyer Groups Launched in: Albania, Papua New Guinea, Zimbabwe, Israel & Australia.
  2. Tel Aviv, Israel: 15 leaders of European Christian lawyer groups successfully intervened with Israel’s Minister of Interior on behalf of three Ethiopian Messianic Jewish sisters who had been sentenced to deportation because of their conversions. (20 participants – 15 nations.)
  3. United Nations: Successfully handled three-year processing of World Evangelical Fellowship’s application for UN Consultative Status fighting objections by hostile groups.
  4. United Nations: AI hosts luncheon for UN diplomats with AI Board member Ken Starr as keynote speaker (130 delegates from 50 nations).
  5. Geneva United Nations Human Rights Commission: Bulgaria’s Rule of Law Institute Chairman, Latcho Popov, addresses UNHRC on persecution in Bulgaria and Pakistan (70 nations in attendance).  
  6. Geneva United Nations: AI’s UN Liaison assists Prison Fellowship International in introducing a proposed Restorative Justice proposal by enlisting Albanian sponsors.
  7. Nairobi, Kenya: Kenyan Christian Lawyers Fellowship (KCLF) took the initiative to enable street children to get ID cards enabling them to go to school and get jobs.
  8. Tirana, Albania: AI Board member Sherrard working with the Chief Justice helped organize the 7th Albanian Judicial Conference (220 judges)
  9. Washington, DC: 3rd Global Convocation co-hosted with Christian Legal Society/USA (175 delegates — 66 nations plus 350 CLS participants).
  10. India & Pakistan: As a result of relationships developed at the Global Convocation, lawyers from India and Pakistan agreed to work toward reconciliation.
  11. Moscow, Russia: When Russian churches and ministries faced possible liquidation, advocate, Katya Smyslova, prepared 3,000 CDs and Legal Handbook for Church Ministries to help churches threatened by major re-registration hassles.


  1. National Christian Lawyer Groups Launched in: Portugal, Colombia, India, Vietnam, Peru (Lima), Honduras (San Pedro Sula), Honduras (Tegucigalpa) & Chile.
  2. Geneva – United Nation: AI prepared 30-page report for World Evangelical Alliance Religious Liberty Commission A Perspective on Religious Freedom Challenges: The Slippery Slope from Intolerance to Persecution (distributed to diplomats from over 100 nations.)
  3. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: AI Board members Johnson & Ericsson helped organize the 4th Mongolian Judicial Conference (60 judges)
  4. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: AI has provided office space for Rule of Law Institute of Mongolia since 2001. 
  5. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: AI enabled a medical mission’s eye clinic for poor blind Mongolians to acquire its own facilities.
  6. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: AI facilitated funding for Mongolian Christian lawyer who had serious dental and oral medical care problems and thereby prevent irreparable heart damage,
  7. Seoul, Korea: 1st Advocates Asia Regional Conference (325 delegates — 24 nations)
  8. Seoul, Korea: AI President Ericsson addresses Love Church in three Sunday morning services attended by delegates to Advocates Asia conference. (12,000 persons – 24 nations).
  9. Almaty, Kazakhstan: AI President Sam Ericsson & AI Board member, Matt Bristol, addressed at symposium sponsored by an Islamic organization on Understanding the Major World Religions. (75 delegates – 8 nations.) 
  10. Lima, Peru: Law Professor, Nina Balmaceda, who attended the 3rd Global Convocation in 2000, and three colleagues organize the Christian Legal Society of Peru.
  11. Toronto, Canada: AI Board Chairman, Lynn Buzzard, keynote speaker at Christian Legal Fellowship of Canada.
  12. Ica, Peru: 1st Advocates Latin America Regional Conference (105 delegates — 14 nations)
  13. Sesimbra, Portugal:  1st Advocates Europe Regional Conference (77 delegates — 16 nations)
  14. Kampala, Uganda:  2nd Advocates Africa Regional Conference (140 delegates — 18 nations)
  15. Kampala, Uganda: Uganda Christian Lawyer Fraternity (UCLF) derails efforts to for mandatory teaching of Islam in the public schools.
  16. Tirana, Albania: AI Board member Sherrard working with the Chief Justice helped organize the 8th Albanian Judicial Conference (330 judges)
  17. Greece: AI President Sam Ericsson served as expert witness at highly-publicized trial of 15 Greek Pentecostals accused of violating Greek’s laws on proselytizing. Defendants were represented by Greek advocate, Vassilios Tsirbas. All were acquitted (15 Greeks.) 


  1. National Christian Lawyer Groups Launched in: France, Argentina, El Salvador, Benin, Nicaragua, Peru (Huanuco), Southern Australia, Liberia & Rwanda.
  2. Sofia, Bulgaria: Popov of the Rule of Law Institute (RLI) conducts conferences for church leaders, government officials and lawyers addressing the proposed new Law on Religion. Chairman Latcho Popov invited to attend hearings at the Parliament.
  3. Sofia, Bulgaria: RLI publishes book explaining defects in the proposed Law on Religion (2,000 copies).
  4. Sofia, Bulgaria: AI facilitated shipping over 1,000 law books donated by Regent University Law School to South West University, Bulgaria’s largest private law school.
  5. Sofia, Bulgaria: RLI prepared and published 5,000 “Police Manual on Human Rights” and used manual in seminars for police in Bulgaria (1000 police officers.)
  6. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: 2nd Advocates Asia Regional Conference (220 delegates — 24 nations)
  7. Sofia, Bulgaria: 2nd Advocates Europe Regional Conference (330 delegates — 24 nations)
  8. Tirana, Albania: AI President, Sam Ericsson and his wife, Bobby, presented to the people of Albania, a statue of Mother Teresa in commemoration of her commitment to care for the sick and dying. The statue was placed in The Presidency executive building and the ceremonies were publicized on national TV with officials, judges and leaders encouraged to pass laws to enable future Mother Teresa’s commit to a similar vision without bureaucratic red tape.
  9. Cieneguilla, Peru: CLS/Peru holds its first national conference.
  10. San Jose, Costa Rica: 2nd Advocates Latin America Regional Conference 270 delegates — 22 nations)
  11. Johannesburg, South Africa: Advocate Teresa Conradie’s intervention prevented closing of hospice for babies and children suffering from AIDS. 
  12. Accra, Ghana: 3rd Advocates Africa Regional Conference (320 delegates — 25 nations)
  13. Tirana, Albania: AI Board member Sherrard working with the Chief Justice helped organize the 9th Albanian Judicial Conference (300 judges)
  14. Tirana, Albania: The Supreme Court adopted “Justice is Truth in Action” as its official motto. AI gave each judge a paperweight with the motto engraved on it.
  15. Tirana, Albania: AI facilitated funding from US-based foundations during 2000-2009 to help God Loves Albania, the only Albanian ministry serving disabled children.
  16. Shanghai, China: AI Board member, John Langlois, facilitated funding for Care for Children, a UK-based ministry for Chinese orphans and foster children at the invitation of the Chinese government (200 guests.)
  17. Kampala, Uganda: UCLF member, Justice Julia, appointed to chair Anti-corruption Commission.
  18. Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan:  Delegation of 20 Korean judges, lawyers and scholars present conference for senior Kyrgyz officials and lawyers. The Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court served as co-host.
  19. Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan: National group hosts delegates from half dozen nations at Symposium on Religious Freedom (25 delegates, 6 nations).
  20. Darkhan, Mongolia: Director Baasankhuu of the Rule of Law Institute sponsored conference on ethics for lawyers.
  21. Seoul, Korea: Advocates Korea facilitated paying for cancer surgery in South Korea for Mongolia’s Law Professor, Dr. Tumur, a Member of Mongolia’s Parliament and the “Father of Mongolia’s Constitution.”  Dr. Tumur was a follower of Christ who did not survive his battle with cancer. 


  1. National Christian Lawyer Groups Launched in: Jordan, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Germany, Sweden, Botswana, New Zealand, Democratic Republic of Congo, Peru (Ayacucho), Ecuador & Brazil.
  2. Sofia, Bulgaria: Latcho Popov of Rule of Law Institute organized the 1st Advocates Balkans Sub-regional Conference (20 delegates – 5 nations).
  3. Sofia, Bulgaria: Latcho Popov and the Rule of Law Institute organized Bulgaria’s National Conference (120 delegates – 5 nations).
  4. Sofia, Bulgaria: Since 2002, AI has facilitated funding Advocates for Life in Bulgaria, directed by Luci Popov, the wife of the Rule of Law Institute Chairman, Latcho Popov.
  5. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia:  3rd Advocates Asia Regional Conference/Northeast (120 delegates – 16 nations)
  6. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: 3rd Advocates Asia Regional Conference/Southeast (80 delegates – 12 nations)
  7. Seattle, Minneapolis and Washington, DC: 3rd Albanian Judicial Training Symposium (10 justices)
  8. Johannesburg, South Africa: Advocate Teresa Conradie and the Christian Lawyer Association of South Africa successfully intervened to derail efforts to get abortion-on-demand passed by the legislature. 
  9. Cartagena, Colombia: 3rd Advocates Latin America Regional Conference (240 delegates – 18 nations)
  10. Buenos Aires, Argentina: The Association of Argentinean Christian Lawyers held its first national conference.
  11. Lima, Peru: Professor Nina Balmaceda and CLS/Peru organized a national conference on Political Violence and Reconciliation.
  12. Lagos, Nigeria:  4th Advocates Africa Regional Conference (375 delegates – 22 nations)
  13. Tirana, Albania: AI Board member Sherrard worked with the Chief Justice to help organize the 10th Albanian Judicial Conference (300 judges)
  14. Tirana, Albania: Albanian Advocates negotiate long-term lease for dictator’s former official residence to be used as a church and evangelical seminary. 
  15. Tirana, Albania: Former President of Albania’s Evangelical Alliance, Toni Gogu, appointed Chancellor of the District Court. Mr. Gogu was later appointed the General Counsel for the Central Bank of Albania. 
  16. Sofia, Bulgaria: Latcho Popov of the Rule of Law Institute organized the 2nd Advocates Balkans Sub-regional Conference (20 delegates – 5 nations.)
  17. Northern Virginia: On July 18, 2003, Sam Ericsson fell down the stairs in his home, broke seven ribs and punctured his right lung. As a result, he discovered that the bladder cancer had spread to the lower lobe of his left lung which was surgically removed a year later. This event reduced Sam’s international travels but increased the global prayer support. The regional networks recognized that they must take greater responsibility and initiative rather than leaning on Uncle Sam. As a result of the fall, Sam produced The Right Card with five key verses: Romans 8:28; I Thes. 5:18; Matthew 6:33; I John 4:4; and Phil. 4:13. AI has produced and distributed nearly 1 million Right Cards in 24 languages. Sam thanks God for the fall and for the 10-year cancer journey.   


  1. National Christian Lawyer Groups Launched in: Cameroon, Denmark, Lithuania, Bolivia, Niger, Cuba, Uruguay (Montevideo), Uruguay (Rivera), Costa Rica, Colombia, Dominican Republic.
  2. McLean, Virginia:  4th Global Convocation (245 int’l delegates plus 500 Americans – 77 nations)
  3. Montevideo, Uruguay: The Institute for Christian Advocates is launched.
  4. Guatemala City, Guatemala: Advocates Latin America held its 4th Regional Conference and its 1st Leadership Seminar.
  5. Tirana, Albania: AI Board member Sherrard worked with the Chief Justice to organize the 11th Albanian Judicial Conference (300 judges)
  6. Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan: National group organized.
  7. Sofia, Bulgaria: Latcho Popov of the Rule of Law Institute organized the 3rd Advocates Balkans Sub-regional Conference (34 delegates – 6 nations).
  8. Sofia, Bulgaria: Latcho Popov President of Advocates Europe co-hosts the 1st European Religious Liberty Forum (11 delegates from 5 nations).
  9. Sofia, Bulgaria: 77 Members of Bulgaria’s Parliament ask Rule of Law Chairman, Latcho Popov, to challenge several provisions in the new Law on Religion that the 77 believe violates Bulgaria’s Constitution.
  10. Sofia, Bulgaria: Rule of Law Institute (RLI) takes on representation of 800 believers, 100 clergy and 107 Alternative Synod churches that were illegally confiscated by the Bulgarian police. This litigation took 5 years until the European Court of Human Rights ruled in the Alternative Synod’s favor in June 2009.
  11. Sofia, Bulgaria: With support from the Danish Center for Human Rights, the Balkan Human Rights Network and the Ministry of Interior of Bulgaria, Latcho Popov of the RLI prepared and published 15,000 books on Guidebook to the Rights of Citizens& Police.   
  12. Kosovo: Led by Advocates Europe’s Vice-President Latcho Popov, a five-person delegation prepared a Statement on Religious Freedom and meets with Kosovo Parliamentarians and government officials. AE’s comments were adopted (5 delegates – 4 nations).
  13. Lisbon, Portugal: Advocate Fernando Loja, first President of Advocates Europe and founder of Advocates Portugal, isappointed Vice Chairman of Portugal’s Religious Freedom Commission, a government commission.
  14. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: Director Baasankhuu of the Rule of Law Institute conducted summer series of courses on business law (26 lawyers).
  15. Douala, Cameroon: AI Liaison Bayo Akinlade met with senior lawyers, students and judges, including the Deputy President of the Court of Appeal to facilitate launching a national group to engage in issues facing society, especially the growing political tension between the English and French-speaking people that threatens splitting the nation in two.
  16. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: AI Liaison Akinlade met with senior lawyers, judges, students and justices re strengthening the national Christian Lawyer Fellowship.
  17. Nairobi, Kenya: AI Liaison Akinlade met with members of the Kenyan Christian Lawyer Fellowship re strengthening their excellent legal aid program and reaching out neighboring nations and Advocates Africa as to religious freedom issues.
  18. Washington, DC & Stockholm, Sweden: AI writes Open Letter of concern to Sweden’s Ambassador to the USA about the prosecution of Pastor Ake Green for a sermon on the biblical view of sexuality.
  19. Global: AI launched its wbullsrepubl in October 2004. It had 300,000 hits in the first six months from 142 nations.
  20. Washington, DC: AI & Advocates Latin America file amici brief in US Supreme Court on behalf of 49 lawyers and 16 Latin Nations in support of Justice Foundation’s Petition to re-open abortion decision, Roe V. Wade.
  21. Middle East: At the 4th Global Convocation several delegates organized Advocates Middle East with delegates from nine nations engaged.


  1. National Christian Lawyer Groups Launched in: Cote D’Ivoire, Sierra Leone, Ukraine, Burundi & Mexico.
  2. Singapore: 4th Advocates Asia Regional Conference (275 delegates – 22 nations)
  3. Punta del Este, Uruguay: 5th Advocates Latin America Regional Conference (225 delegates – 21 nations)
  4. Sao Paolo, Brazil: The Institute of Advocates & Jurists of Brazil is launched.
  5. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: Rule of Law Institute (RLI) registered 12 churches, 14 other ministries and assisted 60 Christians receive visas. RLI also litigated five cases in the District Court and one case in the Supreme Court.
  6. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: RLI prepared Human Rights Report for US and South Korean Embassies.
  7. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: RLI translated AI book, No Higher Calling, into Mongolian and prepared several manuals for church leaders.
  8. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: In cooperation with the Supreme Court, the Bar Association and the Police Commissioner, the Director of the Rule of Law Institute of Mongolia (RLI) prepared, printed and distributed 2,000 of Mongolia’s version of the “Miranda Card Warnings” on laminated plastic cards. RLI trained police officer trainers on the Constitutional rights of Mongolian citizens when being arrested (26 trained).
  9. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: In cooperation with South Korea’s Handong International Law School, Rule of Law Institute co-sponsored “International Law Seminar” (50 attend.)
  10. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: Rule of Law Institute sponsored seminar on legal protection for businesses and organizations in Mongolia.
  11. Kosovo: Delegation from Kosovo’s government visits AE’s offices in Sofia and provides copies to the Rule of Law Institute of Kosovo’s Law on Religion which had adopted many of AE’s comments. 
  12. Seattle, Minneapolis and Washington, DC: AI Board members Sherrard and Ericsson, along with Federal Judge Paul Magnuson organized the 4th Albanian Judicial Exchange and Training (10 justices)
  13. Prague, Czech Republic:  Advocates Europe co-hosts 2nd European Religious Liberty Forum (19 delegates from 9 nations).
  14. Fuzine, Croatia: 3rd Advocates Europe Regional Conference (52 delegates – 14 nations)
  15. Tirana, Albania: Advocates Europe’s President Latcho Popov submitted comments on Albania’s draft Law on Religion and met with lawyers, MPs and officials (10 participants – 4 nations.)
  16. Chisinau, Moldova: Advocates Europe submitted comments on Moldova’s draft Law on Religion.
  17. Stockholm, Sweden:  Advocates Europe’s Latcho Popov and Advocates International’s Ericsson submitted amicus briefs in Sweden’s Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court on behalf of Pastor Ake Green prosecuted for a sermon on the biblical view of sexuality.  Op-ed letters from six nations were published in Swedish press. Pastor Green was acquitted (At least 20)
  18. Johannesburg, South Africa: 5th Advocates Africa Regional Conference (225 delegates – 24 nations)
  19. Tirana, Albania: AI Board member Sherrard working with the Chief Justice helped organize the 12th Albanian Judicial Conference (300 judges).
  20. Tirana, Albania: AI’s colleague Toni Gogu appointed to High Council of Justice to oversee judicial ethics issues.
  21. Washington, DC & Tirana, Albania: AI President Ericsson writes Open Letter to Albanian Ambassador to the USA re Albania’s Proposed Law on Religion imposing burdensome regulations on ministries.
  22. Washington, DC & Tirana, Albania: AI President Ericsson writes Open Letter to US Secretary of State re Albania’s Proposed Law on Religion imposing burdensome regulations on ministries.
  23. Balkans: Balkan Human Rights Network Steering Committee invites Advocates Europe’s President Latcho Popov to active role on Steering Committee.
  24. Cambodia: Leaders from Advocates Asia and Advocates Korea send delegation to Cambodia to begin building relationships with the legal profession.
  25. Guatemala City, Guatemala: Advocates Latin America (ALA) launched its wurgleslittl and Christian Lawyer Directory. ALA also launched an International Master’s Program.
  26. San Jose, Costa Rica: Law Professor Nina Balmaceda led a 17-nation  Advocates Latin America (ALA) group and filed an amici brief in the International Court for Human Rights in Latin America on issue of “In vitro fertilization” (IVF). ALA sought to preserve the Costa Rica Supreme Court decision declaring “the right to life…from the moment of conception” which was under attack by international pro-abortion groups.
  27. Kingston, Jamaica: CLF of Canada’s Executive Director, Ruth Ross, addresses Jamaican lawyers and church leaders on same-sex marriage and related issues.
  28. Johannesburg, South Africa: Advocates Africa and the Christian Lawyers Association of South Africa opposed efforts to undermine traditional marriage.
  29. Fiji: AI provides assistance to advocate in High Court sodomy case.
  30. Paris, France: Lawyers with Advocates France successfully defend the rights of a local church under attack by authorities.
  31. Jerusalem, Israel: Arab Christian advocates attend conference of 500 Arab church leaders.
  32. Gaborone, Botswana: AI Liaison Bayo Akinlade met with senior lawyers, law professors, students and a High Court judge encouraging them to strengthen their fellowship and engage in issues facing their nation and believers, especially the growing rate of HIV/AIDS victims.
  33. Accra, Ghana: AI Liaison Akinlade addressed members of the Ghanaian Christian Lawyer Fellowship as to strengthening their national fellowship and their relationships within Advocates Africa.
  34. Lilongwe, Malawi: AI Liaison Akinlade met with Malawi’s Director of the Human Rights Commission, the Deputy Public Prosecutor, State Prosecutors and Christian lawyers and judges encouraging them to organize a national group and to network with Advocates Africa.
  35. Bamako, Mali: AI Liaison Akinlade met with Christian lawyers, students and judges, as well as the President of the Commercial Court, encouraging them to organize a national fellowship and network with Advocates Africa. Met with missionaries associated with YWAM.
  36. Lagos, Nigeria: AI Liaison met with members and leaders of the Christian lawyer fellowship, CLASFON, and addressed their national conference. Held several consultations with Supreme Court justices and State Prosecutors on religious freedom and good governance issues.
  37. Kisumu & Nakuru, Kenya: AI Liaison Akinlade met with members of the Kenyan Christian Lawyer Fellowship re strengthening their excellent legal aid program and reaching out neighboring nations and Advocates Africa as to religious freedom issues.
  38. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: Rule of Law Institute provides counsel to officials re proposed changes to church registration laws.
  39. Bucharest, Romania: Rule of Law Institute of Bulgaria worked with church leaders on proposed changes to the Law on Religion.
  40. Podong, South Korea: Handong International Law School launches AI’s Global Law Student Prayer Calendar.
  41. Colombo, Sri Lanka: National advocates respond to proposed anti-conversion law.
  42. Kampala, Uganda: Uganda Christian Lawyer Fraternity meet with Uganda Law Reform Commission re amendments to the Marriage and Divorce Act.
  43. Tashkent, Uzbekistan: Local advocate Nail engaged in four religious freedom cases.
  44. Hanoi, Vietnam: Colleagues in Hanoi host delegates from Advocates Korea and Advocates Asia.
  45. Lusaka, Zambia: Zambian fellowship is relaunched.
  46. Darussalam, Tanzania: Paul Ndemo, President of Kenya Christian Lawyers Fellowship visits Tanzania to help organize Christian lawyers.



  1. National Christian Lawyer Groups Launched in: Czech Republic, Nepal, Holland & Puerto Rico.
  2. Istanbul, Turkey: 1st meeting of Advocates International Global Council (22 delegates – 17 nations).
  3. Edinburgh, Scotland: Lawyers Christian Fellowship Barrister, Andrea Williams, represents students on six campuses where the Bible was banned from the residence halls.
  4. London, England: AI Vice Chairman Sam Casey and President Sam Ericsson confer with leading pro-life advocate re major attacks on pro-life doctors and nurses.
  5. Jerusalem, Israel: AI President collaborates with Israeli lawyer, Marvin Kramer, in Ericsson letter to Minister of Education reexclusion of Evangelical input in religious textbooks.
  6. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic:  6th Advocates Latin America Regional Conference (225 delegates – 23 nations)
  7. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic:  1st Advocates Latin America Continuing Legal Education Module for a Certificate in International Legal Studies (80 attendees)
  8. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: 1st Advocates Latin America Conference on Christian Conflict Resolution.
  9. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: Rule of Law Institute (RLI) co-sponsored with Handong International Law School a conference on Constitutional law (29 lawyers attend).
  10. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: RLI succeeds in defending pastor in major libel case. RLI succeeds in getting US Embassy to investigate religious freedom abuses.
  11. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: Rule of Law Institute sponsored Symposium on Foreign Investment & Its Protection (54 participants.)
  12. Sofia, Bulgaria: Advocates Europe co-hosted 3rd European Religious Liberty Forum meet (25 delegates – 14 nations).
  13. Belarus: Advocates Europe prepared a Statement on Religious Freedom for Belarus officials (5 participants – several nations).
  14. Belarus: AI prepared analysis for Belarus Embassy in Washington, DC, on proposed Law on Religion.
  15. Belgrade, Serbia: Advocates Europe colleagues prepared Statement on Serbia’s draft Law on Religion (several participants from several nations.)
  16. Pod Orica, Montenegro: Advocates Europe colleagues prepared Statement on Montenegro’s proposed Law on Religion(several participants from several nations.)
  17. Delhi, India: 5th Advocates Asia Regional Conference hosted by Christian Legal Association of India (270 delegates – 26 nations)
  18. Nairobi, Kenya: The Kenyan Christian Lawyers Fellowship presented objections to the government’s plans to establish a Sharia Court option for the Muslim community.
  19. Washington, DC – US Supreme Court: Advocates Latin America files amici brief in US Supreme Court in support of petition seeking review of the landmark abortion decision, Roe v. Wade (16 nations signed on.)
  20. Bangalore, India: Christian Legal Association of India holds its 2nd National Conference with delegates from Advocates Korea and Advocates Asia present. (77 lawyers 5 nations).
  21. Kabul, Afghanistan: AI’s President Ericsson wrote President Karzai and filed first-ever “Friend of Court” brief with Afghani court trying Abdul Rahman for his conversion to Christianity while living in Germany. Mr. Rahman was deported to Italy after international protests. There has been no action on three similar conversion cases.
  22. Pod Orica, Montenegro: Latcho Popov organized the 4th Advocates Europe Regional Conference (45 delegates – 15 nations)
  23. Tirana, Albania: AI Board member Sherrard worked with the Chief Justice to organize the 13th Albanian Judicial Conference (300 judges).
  24. Tirana, Albania: AI colleagues successfully intervene in tax dispute.
  25. Malibu, Seattle and Washington, DC: AI Board members Ken Starr, Roger Sherrard and Sam Ericsson organized the 5thAlbanian Judicial Training Symposium (10 justices)
  26. Bujumbura, Burundi: AI Liaison Akinlade met with senior lawyers, students, magistrates and judges, as well as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, encouraging them to strengthen their national fellowship and network with Advocates Africa in their region.
  27. Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire: AI Liaison Akinlade met with lawyers, law students and senior judges encouraging them to strengthen their national fellowship and work toward peace and stability while networking with Advocates Africa in their region.
  28. Nairobi, Kenya: Ai Liaison Akinlade met with leaders of Kenyan Christian Lawyers Fellowship to begin plans for the 2007 Advocates Africa 8th Regional Conference.  
  29. Kigali, Rwanda: AI Liaison Akinlade met with Rwandan Lawyers of Hope members, leaders and magistrates of the Christian Lawyer Fellowship of Rwanda concerning their activities promoting reconciliation and human rights.
  30. Niamey, Niger: Leaders from Nigeria’s Christian Lawyers Fellowship of Nigeria (CLASFON) fly to Niger for meeting to encourage Christian lawyers to organize.
  31. Windhoek, Namibia: AI Liaison Akinlade hosted Advocates Africa breakfast to help launch the Christian Lawyer Fellowship in Namibia.  Met with other faith-based NGOs.
  32. Northern Virginia: AI received a 5-Star Efficiency rating by www.ministrywatch.com and was the only ministry of 22 advocacy groups to receive the 5 rating. AI received the same rating in 2007 and again was the only groups so honored.
  33. Nazareth, Israel: Arab Christian lawyer, Botrus Mansour, directs the 1,000 student Nazareth Christian school on a one-acre campus. Advocate Marvin Kramer represents the 3,000 member Messianic Jewish community.


  1. National Christian Lawyer Groups Launched in: Philippines, Bolivia (Santa Cruz de la Sierra), Norway & Tonga.
  2. Amman, Jordan: Advocates Middle East hosts first sub-regional conference (20 attendees from 8 nations.)
  3. Nazareth, Israel: AI Board members Matt Bristol and John Langlois met with a group of Christian lawyers (15 lawyers.)
  4. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: AI Board Vice Chairman, Sam Casey, chairs the 2nd meeting of Advocates International Global Council where Vision, Mission, Strategy and Core Functions Statements are adopted (25 delegates – 18 nations).
  5. Sofia, Bulgaria: Advocates Europe co-hosts the 4th European Religious Liberty Forum (25 delegates – 14 nations.)
  6. Mombasa, Kenya:  The Kenyan Christian Lawyers Fellowship hosts the 6th Advocates Africa Regional Conference (225 delegates – 25 nations)
  7. Lisbon, Portugal: AI President Ericsson, Israeli advocate Marvin Kramer and Portugal’s Law Professor Jonatas Machado address the Religious Freedom Commission conference organized by colleague Fernando Loja, Vice Chairman of the Commission (120 conferees.)
  8. Lisbon, Portugal: Advocate Fernando Loja successfully defends Baptist church sued by former church leader who was disciplined by the church for improper conduct.
  9. Guayaquil, Ecuador: 7th Advocates Latin America Regional Conference (220 delegates – 24 nations)
  10. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: Rule of Law Institute sponsored a legal Symposium for Japanese investors (legal counsel for 47 organizations attends.)
  11. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: AI President Ericsson addresses Dominican Network of Christian Lawyers at breakfast and law school. (200 at breakfast, 60 students.)
  12. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: 2nd Advocates Latin America Conference on Conflict Resolution (30 attendees).
  13. Guayaquil, Ecuador: 2nd Advocates Latin America Continuing Legal Education Module for a Certificate on International Legal Studies (64 attendees)
  14. Quito, Ecuador: 1st Conference for Christian Law Students from Latin America (25 students)
  15. Mexico City, Mexico: Christian Lawyer Association of Mexico hosts Conference on a Civil Society (35 attend.)
  16. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia: Conference of Christian Lawyers (25 attend).
  17. Sao Paolo, Brazil: Institute of Christian Advocates of Brazil sign agreements with major law schools, present programs on TV and radio and work cooperatively with UNESCO, The Brazilian Bible Society and Christian Women of Brazil.
  18. Colombia: Advocates Latin America and the two leading Christian lawyer groups in Colombia file pro-life amici brief in the Colombian Constitutional Court in a major abortion case. The Court rejected the petition seeking to legalize abortion.
  19. San Jose, Costa Rica: The Costa Rican Network of Christian lawyers take action to prevent legalization of abortions in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
  20. Lima, Peru: CLS/Peru and Peace & Hope Ministries lead human rights efforts in Peru and the creation of a Peruvian Truth Commission to investigate criminal conduct by the State.
  21. Nicaragua: Nicaraguan Association of Christian Lawyers successfully engaged in Nicaraguan Congress to derail abortion on demand law.
  22. Montevideo, Uruguay: Institute of Christian Lawyers sponsors Conference on Ethics (30 attend.)
  23. Colombo, Sri Lanka:  6th Advocates Asia Regional Conference (140 delegates – 17 nations)
  24. London, England: Advocates Europe President Latcho Popov organized the 5th Advocates Europe Leadership Strategy Conference (36 delegates – 14 nations)
  25. Tirana, Albania:  AI Board member Sherrard worked with the Chief Justice to organize the 14th Albanian Judicial Conference (300 judges).
  26. Trinidad- & Tobago: 1st Advocates Caribbean Sub-regional Conference met hosted by Lawyers for Jesus of Trinidad & Tobago (120 delegates – 7 nations).
  27. Trinidad & Tobago: 1st Advocates North America Regional Conference met hosted by Lawyers for Jesus of Trinidad & Tobago (120 delegates – 7 nations.)
  28. Seattle, Minneapolis and Washington, DC:  AI Board members Sherrard and Ericsson and Federal District Court Judge Paul Magnuson organized the 6th Albanian Judicial Training Symposium (10 justices)
  29. Hanoi, Vietnam: Appealed to Vietnam’s President, Prime Minister and Ambassador to the USA on behalf of two Christian advocates sentenced to prison for their advocacy.
  30. Pohang, South Korea: AI President Ericsson presented four days of lectures at Handong International Law School where AI Board Chairman, Lynn Buzzard, serves as Dean. (120 students and faculty from six nations.)
  31. Seoul, Korea: AI President Ericsson addresses Advocates Korea and the Christian Lawyer Fellowship (120 attendees).
  32. England: AI President Ericsson addresses Lawyers Christian Fellowship annual conference on “Lessons from a Lawyer’s Journey” (120 conferees – 11 nations).
  33. Porto-Novo, Benin: AI Liaison Akinlade met with senior lawyers, judges, magistrates and students to promote justice and human rights issues in Benin.
  34. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: AI Liaison Akinlade met with senior lawyers and magistrates encouraging them to strengthen their national fellowship and network with Advocates Africa and address the religious freedom concerns in BF.
  35. Brazzaville, Republic of Congo: AI Liaison Akinlade attended the meeting of the African Commission on Human & People’s Rights including several meetings with the Commission’s Chairperson and the Deputy President of the Budget Court of Congo.
  36. Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo: AI Liaison Akinlade met with lawyers, students, judges and magistrates of the national Christian lawyer group. Discussions with the Chief Judge of the Kinshasa High Court on the role of war crimes.
  37. Libreville, Gabon: AI Liaison Akinlade met with the President of the Court of Appeal on issues of justice and the independence of the judiciary. He also met with Christian lawyers and pastors encouraging them to get organized.
  38. Banjul, Gambia: AI Liaison Akinlade met with senior lawyers and judges of the High Court., State Prosecutors and the Solicitor General to discuss issues impacting religious freedom and the independence of the judiciary. He encouraged them to organize a national group.
  39. Monrovia, Liberia: AI Liaison Akinlade met with several senior lawyers and judges addressing issues of peace & reconciliation, human rights and strengthening their national fellowship.
  40. Dakar, Senegal: In a nation that is 98% Muslim, AI Liaison Akinlade met with Christian lawyers and pastors to discuss the status of religious freedom and how AI and Advocates Africa can assist believers.
  41. Nairobi & Mombasa, Kenya: AI Liaison Akinlade worked closely with the Kenyan Christian Lawyer Fellowship to assist in organizing and conducting the 8th Advocates Africa Regional Conference.
  42. Williamsburg, Virginia: AI President Ericsson writes William & Mary College President expressing concern about removal of cross from the Wren Chapel. Cross was later returned to the Chapel.
  43. USA: In Project Elijah, AI’s President Ericsson gave 4,000 copies of Redeeming Law: Christian Calling and the Legal Profession as personal gifts to Christian Legal Society members to recruit new members.


  1. National Christian Lawyer Groups Launched in: Panama, Paraguay & Fiji.
  2. New Delhi, India: Christian Legal Association of India addresses anti-conversion laws in several State legislatures.
  3. Colombo, Sri Lanka: Advocates address anti-conversion legislation.
  4. Nairobi, Kenya: Kenya Christian Lawyer Fellowship and Advocates Africa’s President Teresa Conradie work together to respond as peacemakers to post-election tribal violence.
  5. Istanbul, Turkey:  Advocates Europe co-hosts the 5th European Religious Liberty Forum meet (30 delegates – 12 nations.)
  6. Kampala & Gulu, Uganda: AI Board member and Vice Chairman, Sam Casey, joined Peace & Reconciliation Ministries of Africa biblical peacemaking principles to clergy, military and government leaders, as well as tribal leaders in Uganda.
  7. Monrovia, Liberia: AI Vice Chairman, Sam Casey, joins the Peace & Reconciliation Ministries of Africa in teaching biblical peacemaking principles to leaders in the military, police, government and the church at the invitation of the Chief Justice. 
  8. Washington, DC: 3rd meeting of Advocates International Global Council – election of officers and adoption of Governing Agreement (25 delegates – 18 nations).
  9. Washington, DC: 5th Advocates Europe Regional Conference (81 delegates – 18 nations.)
  10. Africa: AI Liaison to Advocates Africa, Bayo Akinlade, attended the conference of the African Union and presented a paper on peace and security in South Africa.
  11. Banjul, Gambia: AI’s Liaison Akinlade, made a presentation on family values at the NGO forum of the African Commission on Human & People’s Rights (53 nations at Commission, over 20 NGOs).
  12. Seoul, South Korea: Training Seminar for Chinese Church Leaders and advocates hosted by Handong International Law School, Advocates Korea, China Aid and the Christian Lawyers Fellowship (20 attendees)
  13. Washington, DC: 8th Advocates Latin America Regional Conference (140 delegates – 19 nations.)
  14. Washington, DC: 3rd Advocates Latin America Module for a Certificate on International Legal Studies (40 participants).
  15. Washington, DC: 7th Advocates Africa Regional Conference (93 delegates – 22 nations.)
  16. Washington, DC: 7th Advocates Asia Regional Conference (120 delegates – 24 nations).
  17. Washington, DC: 1st Advocates Oceania Regional Conference (12 delegates – 4 nations).
  18. Washington, DC: 2nd Advocates North America Regional Conference (140 delegates – 6 nations).
  19. Washington, DC:  5th Global Convocation (541 delegates plus 500 Americans – 106 nations).
  20. Washington, DC: 3rd Advocates Latin America Continuing Legal Education Seminar (60 attendees).
  21. Tirana, Albania: 15th Albanian Judicial Conference (300 judges).
  22. Tirana, Albania: AI President Ericsson writes Open Letter to Albania’s Prime Minister expressing concern about legislation imposing 20% Value-Added-Tax to not-for-profit groups including tuition paid to private schools. Tax not applied.
  23. Tirana, Albania: Albanian advocates respond to effort by Parliament plan to give preferential treatment to four religious traditions.
  24. Sao Paolo, Brazil: AI President Sam Ericsson speaks at a series of meetings with judges, lawyers and law students on a Christian perspective on law and justice (300 attendees.)
  25. Stockholm, Sweden: AI President Ericsson writes letter to Swedish Abstinence group and Op-Ed piece protesting the dismissal from membership of Pastor Ake Green because of his beliefs on sexual misconduct.
  26. Bismarck, South Dakota: US 8th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals by women before an abortion rules against Planned Parenthood striking down injunction seeking to bar law that requires written consent. AI Vice Chairman, Sam Casey, was co-counsel.
  27. Toronto, Canada: AI Board member and CLS Executive Director Sam Casey addresses the 1st Christian Legal Fellowship of Canada Local Chapter Taskforce Conference (50 attendees.)
  28. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: AI Liaison met with leaders of the Christian lawyer fellowship to lay preliminary plans for Advocates Africa’s 9th Regional Conference to be held in September 2009 and hosted by the Ethiopian fellowship.
  29. Porto Novo, Benin: AI Liaison follow-up meetings with senior lawyers, judges and law students to strengthen the national fellowship.
  30. Douala, Cameroon: AI Liaison follow-up meetings with leaders of Advocates Cameroon to strengthen their national fellowship.
  31. Charlotte, North Carolina: AI Board member Ann Buwalda and AI regional staff, Professor Nina Balmaceda from Peru and Bayo Akinlade from Nigeria participated in two day symposium organized by the Pew Foundation addressing the issue of international religious freedom.



  1. Washington, DC: 7th Albanian Judicial Training Symposium organized by AI Board member Roger Sherrard and hosted by AI General Counsel Sam Casey and AI President Sam Ericsson (10 justices).
  2. Washington, DC: AI President Ericsson writes Open Letter to President Obama re abortion.
  3. Washington, DC: AI General Counsel & Exec VP, Sam Casey, mobilized six-lawyer team to intervene in federal court case to repeal Right of Conscience Protection for doctors, nurse and hospitals who oppose abortion on religious grounds. 
  4. Washington, DC: AI General Counsel & Exec VP, Sam Casey, mobilized six-lawyer team to draft 109-page Comments to proposed National Institute of Health regulations on human embryo research.
  5. Lima, Peru: AI successfully intervened by letter to the President of Peru and Speaker of the Parliament on behalf of indigenous Indians whose land was confiscated by the government and developers.
  6. Strasbourg, France: European Court of Human Rights rules in favor of Alternative Synod of Bulgaria represented by the Rule of Law Institute of Bulgaria and orders return of 107 church properties (appraised at 638 million Euros and payment of 1.5 million Euros to priests and monks.
  7. Belgrade, Serbia:  Advocates Europe co-hosts 6th European Religious Liberty Forum (34 delegates – 18 nations.)
  8. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: 8th Advocates Asia Regional Conference
  9. Sofia, Bulgaria: 6th Advocates Europe Regional Conference
  10. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: 8th Advocates Africa Regional Conference
  11. Tirana, Albania: 1st Global Task Force Conference on the Rule of Law & Integrity
  12. Mexico City, Mexico: 7th Advocates Latin America Regional Conference (postponed – swine flu & security issues.)
  13. Maui, Hawaii:  Eight leaders from Advocates Global Council and five regional networks attended the National Litigation Academy as guests of the Alliance Defense Fund (800 ADF delegates).
  14. Vienna, Austria: Global Council member, Mats Tunehag of Advocates Europe and Sweden, participated in a three-day conference Roundtable on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe organized by the 53-nation Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) (140 delegates – 53 nations).
  15. Banjul, Gambia: AI Liaison to Advocates Africa, Bayo Akinlade, presented a Resolution Protecting the Traditional African Family & Marriage to the African Commission for Human & People’s Rights.
  16. Deerfield, Ill: Partnering with the Christian Medical & Dental Associations and the Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity in hosting the 16th Annual Summer Conference on Global Bioethics: Emerging Challenges Facing Human Dignity (est. 250 attendees).
  17. Gulu, Northern Uganda: AI’s General Counsel & Executive VP, Sam Casey, in collaboration with Dickson Ogwang of the Peace & Reconciliation Mission in Africa and the Uganda Christian Lawyer Fraternity, trained scores of tribal leaders in biblical peacemaking to reduce land dispute conflicts  among two million tribesmen in Northern Uganda (600 – 3 nations).
  18. Monrovia, Liberia: At the invitation of Liberia’s President & Chief Justice, Peace & Reconciliation Mission in Africa trained military, police, legislators, clergy and other leaders in biblical peacemaking principles (300 participants – 2 nations).
  19. Kampala, Uganda: AI, the Peace & Reconciliation Mission in Africa (PRMA) and the Uganda Christian Lawyer Fraternity helped facilitate a presentation to Uganda’s Judiciary by AI Board Member & Dean of Pepperdine Law School, Judge Kenneth Starr.
  20. Gulu, Northern Uganda:   AI, the Peace & Reconciliation Mission in Africa (PRMA) and the Uganda Christian Lawyer Fraternity helped facilitate a presentation to tribal and government leaders by AI Board Member & Dean of Pepperdine Law School, Judge Kenneth Starr.
  21. Lima, Peru: 4th Christian Legal Society of Peru National Conference (70 attend.)
  22. Africa: About 20 national Christian lawyer groups in Advocates Africa’s network sponsored a 52-day Project Nehemiah, national program promoting justice, peace and good governance, legal education for church leaders, voter registration and opposition to the death penalty (thousands of participants in 20 nations.)
  23. Lima, Peru: Successfully intervened with Peru’s President and Parliament on behalf of indigenous people in the Andes whoseproperties had been illegally taken by the government and developers.
  24. Sofia, Bulgaria: The Rule of Law Institute (RLI) mobilized more than 50 pro-family groups that successfully persuaded Bulgaria’s Parliament to maintain traditional family values (50 groups).
  25. Sofia, Bulgaria: During the past decade, the RLI has organized monthly Prayer Breakfasts for lawyers, clergy, business leaders, government officials, professionals and students (1,000 have participated).
  26. Sofia, Bulgaria: During the past decade, the RLI has organized conferences and seminars on peacemaking, religious freedom, human rights and family issues. (1,500 have participated.)
  27. Washington, DC: AI’s Global Task Force on Life & Family intervened on behalf of several national organizations, including the Christian Medical & Dental Associations, in President Obama’s efforts repeal a long-standing federal policy protecting the rights of conscience of doctors, nurses and church-affiliated hospitals who oppose abortion on religious grounds.
  28. Washington, DC: AI’s Global Task Force on Life & Family filed 113-page Comments to the National Institute of Health’s proposed Guidelines to implement President Obama’s decision to use federal funds for human embryo creation, experimentation and destruction – in violation of federal law and medical ethics.
  29. Bratislava, Slovakia: AI’s Global Task Force joined scores of international pro-life and pro-family groups encouraging the Slovakian Parliament to pass Informed Consent and Parental Consent laws protecting women and girls being counseled to get abortions.  Measure passed 87-7 in favor of pro-life.
  30. Mbabane, Swaziland: AI and Advocates Africa collaborated with Justice Makers on a program for human rights education in Swaziland.
  31. Bujumbura, Burundi: Advocates Burundi participated in conference on reconciliation for lawyers, judges, Parliamentarians, professors, students and clergy (100 participants.)
  32. Washington, DC: AI’s Global Task Force on Life & Family provided counsel in suit seeking an injunction against the National Institute of Health’s plans to use federal funds for human embryo creation, experimentation and destruction – in violation of federal law and medical ethics.
  33. Washington, DC & Islamabad, Pakistan: AI and Jubilee Campaign issued a Joint Press Release urging the Pakistani government to proactively protect the religious freedom of Christians in Pakistan who are under vicious persecution.
  34. Home Office: AI launched its upgraded wurglesdemol in September 2009.
  35. Shanghai, Nanjing & Beijing, China: AI President Sam Ericsson will join a delegation of leaders with the World Evangelical Alliance to China to meet with church leaders and government officials.
  36. Amsterdam, Holland: Ruth Ross, Executive Director of CLF of Canada and chairperson of AI’s Global Task Force on the Family & Community participated in the World Congress on the Family of Canada as the AI Delegate.
  37. Washington, DC & Pakistan AI’s General Counsel, Sam Casey and Board member, Ann Buwalda, issued press releases, wrote to the Pakistani government and met senior government officials seeking to repeal the “Blasphemy Laws.” AI supported the efforts of Joseph Francis and Pakistani Christian lawyers who are trying to gain justice for the persecuted victims who are charged under the blasphemy laws.
  38. Vancouver, Canada: AI President Sam Ericsson addressed the annual conference of Canada’s Christian Legal Fellowship during September 24-27, 2009 organized by AI Board member Ruth Ross. The theme of the conference was “Navigating Treacherous Waters” (About 100 attended the conference.)
  39. United Nations: AI joined a coalition of international NGOs in letters to the UN as to why the UN should not support so-called “defamation of religion” resolutions that punish the peaceful disagreement among religions. 
  40. Washington, DC: Attorneys working with AI’s Global Task Force on Life, filed an action against the U.S. on August 19, 2009 in the U.S. District Court for a Preliminary Injunction to block illegal guidelines for federal funding of human embryo research that the National Institutes of Health issued in July. The District Court refused to grant the injunctive relief in October. AI has appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals.
  41. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia:  During September 22-27, 2009, attorneys from more than 30 nations gathered in Addis Ababa for Advocates Africa’s 8th Regional Conference. The theme: Be Transformed – Steering the African Continent to Righteousness, Justice and Peace by Renewing our Minds. The Attorney General of Ethiopia gave the keynote address. (200 delegates attended.)
  42. Lira, Uganda: AI’s Peace & Reconciliation Global Task Force, in collaboration with Dickson Ogwang of Peace & Reconciliation Ministries of Africa, with the assistance of AI’s General Counsel, Sam Casey, launched the Peace in the Land Project. It trained the most senior 45 cultural ministers of the 2-million member Lango tribe to resolve and conciliate land disputes out of court.  The keynote addresses were given by the Chief Justice of Uganda, the Uganda Minister of Gender, Labor and Social Affairs, and the Paramount Chief of the Lango people. (Over 200 attended the various functions.)
  43. Sophia, Bulgaria: Under the theme, “More than Conquerors”, attorneys from 18 nations gathered in Sophia, Bulgaria for the 5th Advocates Europe Regional Conference on October 2-4) focusing on the rule of law, religious freedom, and the sanctity of human life. (Over 45 delegates attended.)
  44. Albany, New York:  Attorneys with AI’s Global Task Force on Life, provided counsel as part of a legal team that initiated the case of NY Feminists Choosing Life v. Empire State Stem Cell Board et al,  challenging a landmark decision by New York to compensate women up to $10,000 for donating their eggs for destructive embryonic stem cell research in violation of New York law.
  45. Stockholm, Sweden: Advocates from Sweden, Germany and the USA intervened on behalf of a family whose 7-year old son was “State-napped” by Sweden’s social workers because he was homeschooled.
  46. La Jolla, California:  AI’s President Sam Ericsson and General Counsel Sam Casey presented up-dates on global pro-life legal developments, as well as missions’ opportunities for the provision of legal services through Advocates International, at the 2009 Christian Legal Society’s Conference during October 15-18, 2009. (Over 350 attended the conference.)
  47. Washington, D.C.:  At the invitation of China Aid, AI’s President and General Counsel presented a seminar for six Chinese lawyers on The Law of Nature and Nature’s God: Revelation & Reason as Sources of Law in Western Legal Tradition and Striking a Balance Among Competing Interests.  The next day, these lawyers testified before the U.S. House of Representatives on the mistreatment of human rights advocates in China.
  48. Tirana, Albania: At the invitation of judicial, political, church and business leaders in Albania, AI facilitated a conference focusing on Integrity in Law, Business, Politics and Life in October.. A lead organizer was Board member, Roger Sherrard. (Over 200 attended the event.)
  49. Dominican Republic & Nairobi, Kenya: Linked through the global AI network, advocates from the DR, the USA and Kenya intervened in assisting a DR citizen falsely arrested in Kenya.
  50. Buenos Aires, Argentina: The Argentinean Christian Legal Association held its 5th National Convocation for Christian Lawyers (50 attended).
  51. Lima, Peru: The Christian Legal Society of Peru held a conference on the role of Christian law professionals on fostering democracy and strengthening civil society.
  52. Montevideo, Uruguay:  The Christian Legal Institute of Uruguay held its 4th National Convocation for Christian Lawyers (Over 20 attended.)
  53. Santiago de Chile: The Chilean Christian Lawyers Network celebrated its 3rd National Convocation for Christian Lawyers.
  54. South Africa: AI’s Liaison to Advocates Africa, Bayo Akinlade, was invited to attend in a pre-session conference of the Pan African Parliament.
  55. South Africa: AI’s Liaison to Advocates Africa attended a meeting of experts on civil society engagement of the Pan-African Parliament.
  56. Nairobi, Kenya: Kenyan Christian Lawyers Fellowship launched the KCLF mediation centre in August.
  57. Nigeria: CLASFON held its 29th Annual National Conference of lawyers, judges and students in attendance. (Over 1,000 delegates present.)
  58. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: AI’s Liaison to Advocates Africa, Bayo Akinlade, was invited to a consultative meeting on the structure and management of the Center for Citizens Participation in the African Union and future engagement in the African Union.